
In Defense of Life

Welcome to Gilead There's a reason Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid's Tale ,  set Gilead in the United States instead of her native Canada. America has a long history of sexism and misogyny. Studies show the MAGA movement draws on those deep seated feelings of contempt. One study shows that  voters’ measures of hostile sexism and actual racism correlated much more closely with support for MAGA than economic dissatisfaction after controlling for factors like partisanship and political ideology: Another study   found that measures of chivalrous sexism — more traditional, views of women and men’s proper roles in society — didn’t correlate closely with support for Trump. But measures of hostile sexism did. This suggests that MAGA sexism is more about hostility toward women than old-fashioned views of gender roles. That seems to correlate with how the conservative extremist justices on the Supreme Court see women. Idaho vs. United States The Supreme Court just posted their

Empire: An Amazon Vella

  Introducing My New Vella Empire is a story told in episodes about a nationalist take over of the United States. I'll be creating episodes into November. The First 10 episodes are free.  Come by, read an episode, and leave me your thoughts.

Black Fish City Review

An Arctic Climate Fiction Boiling Over with Tension For decades the sea ate the land, causing the collapse of human society. In the absence of governance, humans turned to new mind-numbing drugs, human experimentation, and bloodshed.  Lots of bloodshed.  What survives from those days is a disease nicknamed “the breaks,” a universal hatred for the survivors of The Hive Project, and Qaanaaq–home to a melting pot of a million refugees. Qaanaaq is a new city built on oil rig scaffolding over the deep waters of the Arctic north of Iceland and east of Greenland. It sits over a geothermal vent which warms the city. Glaciers provide fresh water and human waste is cycled into methane that lights its lamps. Currently, it's struggling against an epidemic of the breaks, a disease that fills the victim’s heads with the memories of its previous casualties until the sick lose themselves in hallucinations and madness. A survivor of the Hive Project has just arrived in Qaanaaq. Unaware of the epi

Leigh Bardugo Does It Again

Canailles Commit a Wicked Caper Leigh Bardugo’s characters are as layered and complex as her worldbuilding. This set of books takes place in Ketterdam, a city of canals, immigrants, mob bosses, gambling, human trafficking, and thieves—the Las Vegas of the Grishaverse. Just like Las Vegas, it’s populated by characters with deep history (baggage). Kaz “Dirty Hands” Brekker has a reputation for getting the job done, no matter how illegal. He does this by scouting out the best talent in the city. Inej was chosen because she was raised in a Suli circus to be their knife throwing and acrobatic act. Now she works as Kaz’s body guard and spy. Jesper is a sharp-shooter with a gambling problem and a secret. Nina can crush a man’s heart by looking at him, but she can also heal and alter your appearance. Wylan has skill with explosives. And Matthais was a member of the drüskelle (or witch killers) until he fell in love with Nina. But is his love strong enough to make him betray his beloved nation

The Goldfinch Reviewed

  I confess. I did something I rarely do. I didn't finish this book. It spent a year on my nightstand and I read up to page 565 of its 771 pages (73%). At night, I turned to where I'd left off a few days ago, a week ago, a month ago, and then I'd put it back and pick up something more entertaining.  Yeah. I know. National Bestseller. Pulitzer Prize. It's all right there on the cover. But still, by the time I quit, this book had become a sort of torture.  It started out fine. I rooted for Theo with the same conviction I had rooted for Pip in Great Expectations . But as the pages wore on, the misfortunes and poor decisions took their toll--on me. When Theo's loser friend Boris shows up again I just couldn't take it. I knew it would ruin everything in Theo's life and I didn't feel like actually reading that again.  Don't get me wrong. The prose is beautiful. I felt like I, the country bumpkin, had been transformed into a native New Yorker. That I was in

Second Book in the Raft Series by Emma Ellis

Better than the First Book!                                                                                       The earth under England has dissolved and England is a free floating “raft” of an island. England’s elite blow up the mooring to the mainland and British citizens become isolated from the rest of the world’s climate catastrophe. Too busy with their own issues of famine, disease, and dividing precious resources and power, those closest to the shore are easily deceived by those advantaged enough to live near the center.  But every lie has a price. Dr. Savanah Selbourne’s price for signing off on the lies the Centre tells the Periphery is to keep here son, Ethan, born to her partner, Grace. But six years of misleading the people of the Periphery has its own price. Savanah’s status among her own people is shrinking and her relationship with Grace is beginning to fray. When Amalyn and Savanah are sent to Europe as spokespersons for the synthetic foods Savanah developed, th