
Showing posts from July, 2022

CliFi Review: The Survivors by T. C. Weber

  How far   would you go to stay alive?  To protect your loved ones? Irma has already decided. There is nothing she won’t do to keep her family alive in this harsh, hot world. She's already murdered another family to take their home--an easily defensible island control tower with a ready supply of fish.  When a hurricane churns the waters at the base of the tower, driving away the fish, and rips off the roof, Irma decides to abandon their water-logged home. She moves her tribe to the mainland. Unfortunately, the mainland is so hot they must seek shelter from the sun each morning to survive. It is also already inhabited by tribes of people guarding scarce resources who don’t welcome Irma’s people. Irma is more than willing to engage and fight for her tribe, but Lucy is aghast at Irma’s depravity. Lucy believes there are moral limits one should not cross. Limits Irma has crossed without hesitation. But when Lucy’s own children are endangered, she must decide where her own limit