
Showing posts from August, 2022

SciFi Book Review: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

  Good News. Bad News. Good news . Our first contact with alien life is a microbe that can solve all our energy woes.  Bad news . It’s also a deadly disease. Good news . A nearby star system likely holds the key to unlocking the microbes energy potential without succumbing to the disease. Bad news . Disgraced astro-biologist Ryland Grace is the sole survivor of his crew and he can’t remember his own name, let alone why he was sent to this solar system. Good news . Dr. Grace gets help from a world famous engineer. Bad news . The engineer doesn’t speak English and is trapped on another ship. Good news : The two astronauts become unlikely friends. Bad news . The two have to overcome a vast chasm of cultural differences and communication problems in order to team up and save both their peoples.

Introducing The House of the Author

  HBO premieres the prequel to Game of Thrones  8/21/22 at 9 pm EDT and 6 pm MST I CAN'T WAIT! The original Game of Thrones turned out to be one of the most popular shows HBO ever produced. So much so that they assigned their best writers to the show and hired excellent acting talent. The House of the Dragon prequel will likely get the same red carpet treatment. That means writers have an opportunity to learn from these top-of-their-game professionals. Watch an episode and enjoy it. Then watch it again and take notes. Here are some handy forms to help you keep track of your findings. Episode 1            S1E1 Script Episode 2           S1E2 Script Episode 3           S1E3 Script Episode 4               S1E4 Script Episode 5               S1E5 Script Episode 6           S1E6 Script I will keep track of all my findings and publish them on this  Playlist  and at this website.