
Showing posts from July, 2024

In Defense of Life

Welcome to Gilead There's a reason Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid's Tale ,  set Gilead in the United States instead of her native Canada. America has a long history of sexism and misogyny. Studies show the MAGA movement draws on those deep seated feelings of contempt. One study shows that  voters’ measures of hostile sexism and actual racism correlated much more closely with support for MAGA than economic dissatisfaction after controlling for factors like partisanship and political ideology: Another study   found that measures of chivalrous sexism — more traditional, views of women and men’s proper roles in society — didn’t correlate closely with support for Trump. But measures of hostile sexism did. This suggests that MAGA sexism is more about hostility toward women than old-fashioned views of gender roles. That seems to correlate with how the conservative extremist justices on the Supreme Court see women. Idaho vs. United States The Supreme Court just posted their